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Scott's Golf Blog: Sunday Golf Tip

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Golf Tip

Occasionally when I head to the range to practice, I will often be hitting balls next to a couple people where one person is trying to teach the other. The tips and advice I hear being offered to the one trying to learn is usually worthless. The "teacher" might have an idea how hold onto the club and how to swing it, but they usually have no idea how to communicate, and they often talk way too much. This just confuses their "student."

Sometimes, when I give a lesson, a student will tell me "my friend told me to keep my head down," or some similar piece of worthless advice. I then ask them how well their friend plays the game, and ask why they would take advice from someone who can't shoot under 90 or 100 themselves.

If you are trying to learn the game, the best thing to do is get individual instruction. If you can't afford that, at least get an understanding of the fundamentals through group instruction, or go purchase a book or dvd.

It is absolutely crucial that you ignore the advice of your friends! Even scratch golfers do not know how to communicate well. Part of becoming a golf instructor is learning how to communicate. So, even if the instructor is not a great golfer, if they can communicate and at least demonstrate some things well, it will be of benefit to the student.

Ultimately though, if you want to learn to play well, you need to learn the fundamentals and apply them, AND keep track of your progress and take detailed notes! Take ownership of your learning, and you will benefit in the long run!

Scott Cole

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