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Scott's Golf Blog: Golf Swing Feeling Tight in the cold weather? Stretch more!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Golf Swing Feeling Tight in the cold weather? Stretch more!

Today I headed over to Olney Golf Park where I teach here near Rockville, Maryland, and after my one lesson today, I decided to hit some golf balls. My student is a beginner, and today we simply worked on how she should move her body through the swing, so she did not hit many balls. So I ended up with two large buckets of balls, or about 200 balls to hit. It was a cold and wet day here in Maryland, and I was still a bit tight from my upper body workout the other day, and I've had a kink in my neck the last couple days.

While I hit the ball ok, it was clear I was not hitting with the power I am used to. As the session wore on, I could feel my swing becoming more compact, and I was not getting any extension through the ball. This was quite evident when I decided to try hitting one driver, which ended up being a low hook. I knew it was time to end the session with some short pitch shots.

I have not spent much time on my stretching for a while, but now that the weather has turned cold, it is even more important to make sure I do. This goes for any golfer. Colder weather makes us tighter, and that leaves us with less efficient, less powerful golf swing. Not only should we take more time to get warmed up and stretch before practice or a round of golf, we should do more at home as well.

If you do not have a stretching program, I highly recommend starting one. I learned quite a few stretches in my martial arts and yoga training, and will begin to implement them even more as I finally start to settle into a routine here in Maryland. I recommend you get started as well! Keep an eye out for more fitness information here at in the future! You can also visit my Power Golf Training website to obtain my Principles of Power Golf ebook.

Scott Cole

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