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Scott's Golf Blog: Golf Tip of the Day - Quit Searching for the Holy Grail

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Golf Tip of the Day - Quit Searching for the Holy Grail

I read a post on one of the golf forums the other day. This typifies the approach most golfers take when they go to the range. This particular golfer is a 9 handicap.

The golfer indicated that he had gone to the range one day, and hit the ball horribly. He even hit a few shanks with his wedges. He left the range completely demoralized. He went back home, looked at his collection of golf books, remembered one that had captured his interest, and re-read part of it. He took one of the tips with him to the range the next day, and started to hit it well.

He inquired on the forum if anyone else had an experience like that with that particular tip, and he wondered if this would carry over in the long run. He had also mentioned that he had tried the Stack and Tilt swing a while back, but had since gone back to what he was doing before. Naturally, since I am opinionated, I responded to his question, and suggested that it would last a week or two. He had not really changed anything in his swing.

The fact is, you can not improve your game without improving your golf swing. Small tips like this may occasionally help in the short run, but they NEVER have a lasting effect. If you want to improve your golf swing, you have to improve your fundamentals…grip, stance and posture, takeaway, shoulder turn, swing plane, weight transfer, impact position, and follow through. It’s a process that can not be achieved over night, and not without hard work.

If you are unwilling to make major changes to your swing, short game or putting, then you can forget about making long term improvements. That’s not how you improve in any sport, business or hobby. There are no shortcuts, and there is no Holy Grail in golf.

Scott Cole

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