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Scott's Golf Blog: Golf Tip of the Day - Get a Golf Lesson!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Golf Tip of the Day - Get a Golf Lesson!

I read a post in one of the online forums about a guy struggling to find his swing. He spent three hours on the driving range and completely lost it, so all of the nearby hitters started sending tips his way.

The author of the post then went on to say he had NEVER had a lesson in his twenty years of playing golf.

Golf is a difficult game, and one that is really never mastered. I often draw parallels between golf and the martial arts. There is a lot to learn, and you must always adjust to varying conditions. Yet, virtually no one who wants to learn the martial arts will try and learn on their own. So, why is this the case with golf?

Admittedly, the cost of instruction in golf is much higher, and that may be the problem with the industry. However, a student should at least get some group instruction to learn the basics. After that, there are plenty of less expensive ways to learn this game, especially on the internet.

Golfers can even receive an online video lesson by sending video of their golf swing to an instructor for analysis. So, after learning the basics through group instruction, an online video lesson could be beneficial and less expensive. Beyond that, there are lots of videos and books that golfers can obtain to further their knowledge. While there are many golf swing theories, that is no different than in the martial arts. Choose a theory or swing style you are comfortable with, and learn it!

The bottom line is if you want to improve your golf game, you need to acquire knowledge and learn how to incorporate that knowledge. A good instructor will help you with this, whether in person or online.

Scott Cole

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