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Scott's Golf Blog: Golf Tip of the Day - Keep a Journal

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Golf Tip of the Day - Keep a Journal

In a couple previous posts I have discussed the topic of taking notes. Behavior analysis studies suggest that golfers can improve much more rapidly by taking detailed notes during practice, lessons and their rounds of golf.

Golfers should also maintain a daily journal whenever they do something golf related. During winter, this could mean describing the few indoor swings you took or putts you hit, or your workout at the gym. Otherwise, write down a paragraph or two describing your round of golf, the weather, how you were feeling, what bets you might have had, how you performed, etc.

This journal should be kept in addition to the detailed notes you should start taking regarding your golf game. When you combine the information in the journal and in your notes, you will have a far greater capacity for learning, and this should lead you to improve your scores more rapidly.

Scott Cole

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