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Scott's Golf Blog: Golf Tip of the Day - How Do You Learn?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Golf Tip of the Day - How Do You Learn?

How do you learn? Why is it that we have all this new technology, all these training aids, golf tips and instruction from the best teachers in the world, and yet most golfers never improve? Why has the average handicap not dropped in 30 years while the clubs hit the ball straighter and the ball flies 25 yards further?

I will tell you why. Most golf instructors are not demanding enough of their students, and most students are not demanding enough of themselves.

Golf is a difficult game. There is a ton to learn, just in the swing itself! Yet, how many golfers take notes during a lesson. How many instructors have told a student to take notes? How many golfers keep detailed records of their rounds? Why is it that Steve Williams knows more about Tiger’s game than you know about yours?

The best way to learn is by practicing, but if you don’t take notes and keep track of the proper statistics, how do you even know what to practice?

I studied Pai Lum Kung Fu for eight years and was REQUIRED to keep a notebook and journal. We essentially learned something new every day, so there was no other way to keep track of everything.

Golf is a little bit different in that you can read all about the golf swing in a variety of books. But, you still need to learn what works for you, and the only way to keep track is by taking notes.

Just some food for thought. I will be hitting on this topic a bit more in the coming days.

Scott Cole

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