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Scott's Golf Blog: Johnson wins Pebble Peach

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Johnson wins Pebble Peach

Dustin Johnson picked up his second win on the PGA Tour this week without having to play another round after Saturday's 67. Although he did not have to finish it off after sitting on the lead overnight, he still proved he will be a force to reckon with, as this is his second win in under a year.

I happened to catch a few swings by Phil Mickelson on Saturday, and he looks like he is still struggling. I caught him on a par 3 where he was hitting about a 5-iron. He pull hooked his first shot, which hit a cart path and bounced out of bounds. Bad luck, but the shot was way off line. He nearly did the same with his second swing off that tee.

Phil appears to be struggling mightily with the swing changes he is making under Butch Harmon. A recap of the first swing on Golf Channel showed that he was very steep in the downswing. He may have been trying to hit a fade into the hole, and released his hands too quickly, causing the pull. Nevertheless, he was still way too steep on the downswing, and I don't see how he will strike the ball consistently with that swing. As a result, for the third consecutive week, he was nowhere near being competitive.

I'm off to Florida this weekend to work on my game!

Scott Cole

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