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Scott's Golf Blog: Golf Tip of the Day - Start Stretching

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Golf Tip of the Day - Start Stretching

Golf season is winding down here in the northern states, but that doesn't mean you should completely forget about your game over the winter months. You can make some major improvements without touching a golf club, although I would highly recommend that you keep swinging, somewhere, just to keep that muscle memory.

If you haven't already, now is a good time to add a stretching routine into your golf improvement program. But, before you do so, I highly recommend getting together with a physical therapist to get yourself evaluated first. Many of us have developed some physical issues over time, and these can result in muscle tightness in various parts of the body. However, simple, passive stretching exercises will not do much to loosen those muscles up until you identify the cause of the tightness first.

Get together with your physical therapist to identify the causes of any muscle tightness you may have, and then they will also be able to put you on the appropriate stretching and physical therapy routine to help alleviate these issues. It is usually recommended that strength training and active stretching exercises be performed as well.

Do yourself a favor, invest a little time into getting your body evaluated and you will go a lont way toward making those improvements in your golf swing you so desire.

Scott Cole

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