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Scott's Golf Blog: Crunch Time For Aspiring Tour Pros

Friday, November 20, 2009

Crunch Time For Aspiring Tour Pros

PGA Tour qualifying is under way this week, with the second round of qualifying being held at six locations around the country. The low 20 from each qualifier advance to the finals, which is often considered to be one of the most difficult events in the career of a tour pro. The finals will then be held December 2 to 7, where I believe the low 25 receive their PGA Tour cards. Those that don't make the cut will have some limited Tour opportunities or will play on the Nationwide Tour.

The Champions Tour completed its qualifying today. Only 5 players earned all-exempt status for the 2010 season. Finishers 6 to 12 receive conditional exemptions and the top 30 can compete for qualifying spots where opportunities are available. The list of players not earning their cards for the Champions Tour is dotted with lots of name players did not make the top 12, including Jay Don Blake, Chip Beck, Keith Clearwater, Tom McKnight and Bobby Clampett, among others. To make the top 5, players had to shoot 12 under for 4 rounds.

I always have tremendous respect for pros who endure these qualifiers. Some work their butts off for years before breaking through to the big show! But, it is work that they truly enjoy, just like the rest of us who enjoy this great game!

Scott Cole

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