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Scott's Golf Blog: Golf Tip of the Day - Starting the Season

Monday, February 28, 2011

Golf Tip of the Day - Starting the Season

On these nice warm days, as few as they've been, that we've experienced this winter, many golfers head out to the range, itching to swing their clubs. Unfortunately, after hitting a few wedge shots to get warmed up, most go to the driver, hoping to find some magic.

What most people should do before stepping on the range is go over to the practice green and hit some chip shots and pitch shots. This will help reinforce the idea that you must learn how to hit the ball first, and then the ground, in order to get the ball in the air. I see too many people trying to lift the ball in the air using their arms.

Yesterday, I was standing next to a guy on the range...same basic build as me, although I may outweigh him by twenty pounds. He couldn't hit a driver as far as my 8 iron. Why? Because he does all the work with his arms, and creates no leverage in his swing.

Understanding that you need to learn how to hit the ball first before you hit the ground is the first step toward learning how to swing the club properly. Learning how to compress the ball is of utmost importance in trying to hit the ball further. This starts around the practice green.

Come see me at the Olney Golf Park in Olney, Maryland so I can get you started!

Scott Cole

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