Performancing Metrics

Scott's Golf Blog: Winter Golf Conditioning

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Winter Golf Conditioning

As I stressed in a recent post, for those of us who live in cold winter climates, this time of year does not need to go to waste when it comes to improving your golf game. In fact, you can actually make great strides toward improving your game when the season arrives again by improving your fitness and conditioning.

At, I present a workout plan based upon the principles of Kung Fu. It is a plan that does not require you to join a gym, and you do not need ANY equipment whatsoever. That plan focuses primarily upon strength training, flexibility and relaxation techniques.

One aspect of golf conditioning I presently do not stress at is aerobic conditioning. If you need to shed a few pounds, aerobic conditioning must play an important role in your workout regimen. Aerobic conditioning can involve something as simple as jogging, cycling and swimming, or something more complex such as kickboxing.

One of the best aerobic workouts I have come across in recent years is the Plyometrics workout in the P90X series of workouts promoted by Tony Horton. You can see the P90X infomercials running quite often every weekend. Their site is

The Plyometrics workout is a somewhat high impact aerobic workout involving jump training. So, this workout is generally for people in decent shape already, and who do not have knee, back or ankle issues. The workout lasts for about 50 minutes altogether, and will help improve your cardiovascular conditioning quite rapidly if you do the workout consistently a couple days per week. It will also help to improve your leg strength, agility and balance.

So, for the serious golfer looking to kick things up a notch, I highly recommend the entire P90X workout, but the Plyometrics workout in particular.

Scott Cole

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